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data centre

From international calls to messages, telcos see minefield in govt’s draft data rules

From international calls to messages, telcos see minefield in govt’s draft data rules

Top telcos and legal experts have flagged concerns over the draft data protection rules, saying clauses around transferring personal data outside India may affect international long distance (ILD) calls and sending text messages overseas or even sending WhatsApp messages to international numbers.

More than just optics! Data centres, 5G push powering fibre cable boom

More than just optics! Data centres, 5G push powering fibre cable boom

Space World Group, a fibre assets company, plans to connect 35 data centres in seven major Indian cities, entailing an investment of $500 million through its new ventures called Constl and Ranext, co-founder Ankit Goel said.

Software defined data centre market to hit USD $1.49tn

Software defined data centre market to hit USD $1.49tn

This market, valued at around USD $83.2 billion in 2023, is driven by several critical factors, including the increasing number of data centres worldwide.

Bharat now measures its time in GBs

Bharat now measures its time in GBs

Studies have shown that enhanced mobile connectivity and broadband penetration have a direct impact on GDP and job creation, especially in emerging economies such as India, said Ashwinder Sethi, partner at global TMT consulting firm Analysys Mason.

Ramboll strengthens data centre services with i3 acquisition

Ramboll strengthens data centre services with i3 acquisition

The acquisition expands Ramboll's presence in North America, Europe, and Asia and is aligned with the company's ambitions to reduce the climate footprint of the data centre industry, which is crucial to the digitalised society.